Andrew Salzman



Andrew Salzman is a recently retired Chief Marketing Officer at some of the world’s premier technology firms including HP, Siebel/Oracle, Compaq Computer, IRI, and Kodak.  During his 30 year corporate career, he lived and worked in the US, and spent 3 years in Europe based in London, and 6 years in Asia based in Tokyo.  Andrew then joined forces with tech market visionary Geoffrey Moore as a consultant with Chasm Group.  Andrew subsequently founded and now runs Iris Advisors, a technology consulting firm serving CEOs and leadership teams in developing business growth strategies.  He serves on several tech company advisory boards, and mentors entrepreneurs on business development at UC Santa Barbara’s Technology Management Program.  

Moving to Santa Barbara in 2020, Andrew became aware of and especially concerned about the abysmal reading scores amongst public school English Learners in grades preschool through 6th grade.   He sees that as a solvable problem with the right level of focus and prioritization, and elected to take up the challenge of literacy in our public schools.  He is a strong proponent of hands-on leadership, operational excellence, community involvement, and accountability for outcomes, and believes in the criticality of measurement systems, performance targets, and data transparency.

A graduate of UC Berkeley, Andrew is a native New Yorker, married to his wife Jill, and the father of two energetic girls aged 14 and 22.  He can be seen on the tennis courts when not engaged in his consulting work and volunteer pursuits. 

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