Santa Barbara Reading Coalition
Our Charter

The overall mission of the Santa Barbara Reading Coalition is to help all public school children in the South Coast of Santa Barbara County achieve 90%+ reading proficiency on state standardized tests at each grade level through classroom instruction grounded in the Science of Reading.
Additionally, we support educational leaders in expanding their knowledge about the science of reading and extending training, time and professional development of educators to learn, understand, and apply these science- and research-based approaches in classroom instruction.


Standardized test results continue to show that reading proficiency levels in Santa Barbara Schools in both English and Math across all schools and grade levels are woefully inadequate. Based upon the most recent testing of students, barely 50% of students meet grade level standards for English proficiency, and only 38% meet grade level standards for math.
In schools with large Latino populations, the results are much worse. For example, within the SBUSD, at McKinley Elementary School, only 22% of elementary school students meet grade level standards for English, and only 19% meet math standards. And at the high school level, the results are similar. At Santa Barbara High School, 43% of students meet grade level standards in English, and only 22% are proficient in Math. Much more work needs to be done to improve literacy and math proficiency in our local schools.
But every child deserves the right to read in our public schools. Families that have the economic means have the option of hiring reading tutors to provide appropriate instruction for their struggling readers. There are serious concerns about the lack of equity when successful reading outcomes depend on the ability to pay for it.
This is not just a short-term issue. For many years, results on standardized tests indicate that our school system has been or about half the students both English literacy and math proficiency. Students who graduate on the South Coast without these important skills are unprepared for higher education opportunities and at greater risk for socio-emotional issues and the inability to reach their full potential. Our local businesses and economy also suffer when individuals entering the job market do not have the basic skills to be productive employees.
Our community has a vital interest in this effort. Santa Barbara is one of the most beautiful and prosperous locations in the world. Our children deserve educational opportunities to match—and that begins with reading.

Current SBUSD Literacy Efforts

In May 2023 after two years of deliberation, the District announced the purchase of two new literacy curricula “Wit and Wisdom” and “Foundations”, at a cost of $1.7 million. The new curricula, based on the science of reading, replace a now largely discredited approach known as balanced literacy that has contributed to low reading scores nationwide.
These curricula will focus on elementary school students in grades K-6, and represent a science-based reading approach with the five essential elements of learning to read – phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension. We are not aware of any immediate plans to address the needs of preschool children or our junior and high school students, far too many of whom graduate from our local schools without literacy skills needed in adulthood

Our Position

The adoption of these new curricula is a positive first step, but success depends a great deal on rigorous implementation and strong leadership. This is a very different approach to reading instruction not generoually taught at the majority of our colleges and universities, including some of our most elite institutions.
Successful implementation of the Science of Reading requires extensive training, professional development and support for teachers, principals, and administrators. While the district has begun to offer excellent training opportunities, unless the majority of the staff is trained in this new approach, this huge undertaking will fail.
It is currently very difficult to determine the actual steps being taken by the District to address these important issues.
We are, however, encouraged by the recent embrace of the Science of Reading instructional approach at the Santa Barbara County Office of Education, and look forward to continued literacy leadership at that level.
Low literacy is a solvable issue that demands our attention. Dr. Kymyona Burk, state literacy director who oversaw the “MIssissppi Miracle,” observed that students who struggle to read become adults who struggle to read. She stated, “If we don’t intervene for these students, it will have an impact on their quality of life as adults, the ways in which they’re able to be a community member, engage with their community, and take care of their family.”

Proven Strategies for Success

Achieving real results that transform reading proficiency for all learners demands that eight core elements are put in place. Several school districts nationwide have made the transition to a Science of Reading teaching approach, with the strategies for success have included:
There should also be specific plans in place for TK preschool students that include phonics-based instruction, and age-appropriate Science of Reading support for students in grades 7-12 who are struggling with reading and have been left behind by prior educational practices that relied on faulty, discredited practices.

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